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Golden Ratio

One might ask, what is the meaning of our store’s name, the Golden ratio?

The Golden ratio (or golden section or cut) is a mathematical constant that has intrigued science and art for centuries. It is an irrational number, represented by the Greek letter phi ().

The ratio between two quantities is “golden” if the following mathematical expressions are  true:

If a is greater than b, and both a and b are positive numbers, and if:

  a+b = a

    a      b

Then the ratio between a and b is equal to the Golden ratio.


This ratio, marked (), is equal to 1.6180339887....


The Golden ratio is believed to be aesthetically pleasing, and is used in art and architecture, for example in the Guggenheim museum in New York and in various works by Le Corbusier and Salvador Dali.

Most often, the golden rectangle is used, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio.

Mathematicians since Euclid have studied the properties of the golden ratio, including its appearance in the dimensions of a regular pentagon and in a golden rectangle.

The golden ratio appears in some patterns in nature, including:

  • the spiral arrangement of leaves and other plant parts such as:

    • the arrangement of sunflower seeds on the flower surface

    • arrangement of rose petal leaves

  • in various crystal formations

  • in animals, in the formation of deer antlers and bee hive formation


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